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Supadrol Pharmatech

Supadrol Pharmatech

Regular price R 320.00 ZAR
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SUPERDROL(Methyldrostanolone 15mg p/tab=50TABS)

Dosage: 1-2 tabs daily

Superdrol (called methasteron, and methyldrostanolone) is the name of the most popular and the well-known product to contain the 2a,17a-dimethyl-5a-androst-3-one-17b-ol (methyldrostanolone) steroid. Superdrol is probably the most effective and widely used oral anabolic steroid of the last decade. It is basically Masteron lacking the ester chain. As an oral steroid, it is equipped with a c-17aa modification allowing it to survive the first pass through the liver.

Although this hormone was originally researched by a pharmaceutical company called Syntex Corporation, superdrol with its c-17aa modification never made it as a prescription drug. Its counterpart drostanolone (masteron), which had an ester chain, was a commercially distributed drug. Although methasterone is first mentioned in literature in 1956, it sat in the textbooks of pharmacology for five decades until 2005 when it was rediscovered and sold under the brand name “Superdrol” by Designer Supplements LLC.

As a steroid, superdrol provides very dry and hard gains that are really noticeable after about the second week of using the product. Gains of as much as 15lbs to 30lbs of muscle mass in a short 4 week cycle were very commonly reported by users. Gains in strength are also very noticeable, with most users reporting a 15% to 25% increase in their maximum lifts after using this drug for only a couple of short weeks.

Methasterone is a oral steroid with a 17aa group; thus, it is very liver toxic. Since it was sold over the counter for so many years, there are many reported instances of people abusing this steroid by staying on the drug for more than the recommended 4 to 6 weeks.

The recommended use for this product is about 20mg to 40mg per day, depending on goals. With the cycle not being any longer than 6 weeks. Superdrol has been widely reported as being abused, with guys staying on cycle as long as 12 weeks, with devastating results on their liver functions.

The product is toxic to your liver from day one of use, but the problems only become permanent if the liver is not given a proper break and allowed to recover. Since liver support helps minimize possible risk of side effects, the use of on-cycle support like has been a mainstay for guys doing superdrol cycles.

Since using this steroid in the first 4 to 6 weeks of a cycle would ensure rapid and solid gains, superdrol became a favorite drug for bodybuilders to jump-start their cycles. This leaves the slower released injectable steroids to kick in during the later part of the cycle. Allowing users to solidify the gains made on methasterone while still making progress in strength.

This product has always stacked well with most injectable steroids or other hormones that do not have a c-17aa modification. Keep in mind, your liver would not be able to handle another oral stacked with superdrol. For bulking, Deca Durabolin and 19-Norandrosta 4,9 diene- 3,17 dione are the best stacked compounds, and for cutting, trenbolone. Since this steroid is particularly tough and hard to breakdown, this product is not recommended for use for any longer than 4 weeks due to severe liver toxicity. Though, some experienced bodybuilders who use N2Guard during the cycle report using superdrol for 6 weeks with good results.

As with most oral steroids, the half-life of superdrol ranges between 8 to 9 hours, with users taking the product as many of 4 times per day to maintain a steady blood level.

This steroid does not aromatize, so it will not cause any estrogenic side effects, so water retention is never a problem with this product. Some users report gynacomestia symptoms that seem to come more from this hormone taking up more of the SHBG activity; thus, leaving more free testosterone to be turned into estrogen. There is no science to support this theory, but what is certain is that it's a chemical impossibility for methyldrostanolone to turn into an estrogen.

Some side effects, like oily skin and acne, seem to be reported but not as much when compared to dianabol or anadrol. The strong androgenic nature of this hormone does cause some of the most common androgen side-effects like loss of hair on the head and increased hair growth on the body. Again, this is not as bad as WInstrol or heavy Doses Of Anavar.

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