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Equipise 350 10ML VIAL

Equipise 350 10ML VIAL

Regular price R 600.00 ZAR
Regular price Sale price R 600.00 ZAR
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  • Equipoise
  • 350mg/ml
  • 10ml /vial

Equipoise being a derivative of Testosterone grants it many of the same properties. It possesses the exact same anabolic strength rating of 100, and it is also able to aromatize which means that Equipoise can/does convert into Estrogen in the body through interaction with the aromatase enzyme. It’s double-bond modifications between carbons 1 and 2 reduce its affinity for the aromatase enzyme, allowing it a lower rate of aromatization and therefore a lower Estrogenic activity.

Equipoise will still convert into Estrogen but it certainly occurs at a far less quantity than its mother hormone Testosterone. At moderate doses Equipoise usage should not cause any water retention, bloating or any other estrogenic effects (obviously depending on user sensitivity). These Estrogenic side effects will also increase the higher the dosage used. Increasing doses will mean increased rates of aromatization.

Equipoise itself possesses a low androgenic strength rating (lower than its progenitor hormone Testosterone), which is good news for those sensitive to androgenic side effects. Those utilizing Equipoise can expect the same anabolic size, strength, and mass gains that would come from Testosterone with a lower rate of Estrogenic activity and androgenic side effects. This means that gains from Equipoise should be solid lean mass gains with low/non-existent water retention (dosage dependent).

Its estrogenic activity is still marginally higher than Nandrolone. Usually Equipoise dosages rising above 200 – 400mg per week will result in observable increases in estrogenic side effects. Anti-estrogens and aromatase inhibitors should be utilized to counteract these side effects. Estrogenic side effects can include: water retention and bloating, increases in blood pressure (resultant from water retention), increased fat gain/retention, and potential development of gynecomastia.

Boldenone impacts the 5-alpha reductase enzyme, which is responsible for the conversion of Testosterone into the DHT (Dihydrotestosterone) but it does not convert into DHT but rather into Dihydroboldenone (DHB). Androgenic side effects can include: increased oily skin and acne (sebum secretion), body and facial hair growth, and the increased risk of experiencing male pattern baldness if predisposition occurs.

Boldenone is not liver toxic at all, and it does express the same degree of cardiovascular risks as well as the endogenous Testosterone production suppression as most anabolic steroids do.

Boldenone dosages are generally in the range of 300 – 500 mg per week, followed by 500 – 700mg per week for intermediate dosages in combination with Testosterone.

Beginner cycles including Boldenone normally encompass the use of Testosterone at 300 – 500mg per week alongside Boldenone at about 400mg per week. The cycle can be run for a total of 14 weeks to get optimal results. Intermediate Equipoise cycles can involve the added use of an oral compound, usually Dianabol (Methandrostenolone) at about 25mg per day. Testosterone Enanthate (or Cypionate) in this case can be reduced to 100mg per week in order to merely maintain normal physiological function, and Boldenone can be utilized at about 400 – 600mg per week. Dianabol is run for weeks 1 – 4, and the total cycle length can be up to 12 weeks. Advanced Boldenone cycles usually do not see the use of dosages above 600mg per week in combination with other anabolic compounds and Testosterone.

Acne: Rare

Water retention: Low

High blood pressure: Rare

Liver toxic: No

Aromatization: Medium, 50% much as testosterone

DHT Conversion: Low

Decreased HPTA function: Moderate

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Hardcore Solutions

Great product !